
Students cannot be successful if they’re not in class!


You will be considered tardy to class if you are not in the classroom by the time the bell rings.  If you are late or absent from school, you must report to the attendance office to get a re-admit.

Repeated tardiness in the classroom reduces the amount of time for teaching and learning, is disruptive to the school environment, is disrespectful to other students who are ready for the classroom lesson, and reveals a lack of responsibility on the part of the tardy student. Repeated tardiness will result in disciplinary action.


Truancy, unverified or unexcused absences, and tardiness adversely affect students’ education and increase the chances for failure. Education Code Section 48261: Any pupil who has been reported as a truant and who is again absent from school without a valid excuse one or more days, or tardy on one or more days, shall be reported as a truant.