
Summer Pre-Season Conditioning

All runners should begin the following training schedule ASAP, and as early as possible in the mornings.  Runners should not expose themselves to the hot air of the late mornings, afternoons, and / or early evenings during the warmer season in our region.  You too, PARENTS…  Heat stroke, heat exhaustion, dehydration, low sugar levels, etc. should be AVOIDED AT ALL COSTS, and these risks are elevated when running during the times of day just described.  Prior to beginning, please watch this video from America’s top running coach, Dr. Jack Daniels.  Don’t laugh parents, his name really is Dr. Jack Daniels, and the vast majority of the running guru’s in our country follow his work.

DAILY RUNS (Run easy enough that allows you to run tomorrow.)

Week 1:  (4 sets) Five-minute easy run, one minute walk, continuous repeat.  (24 Minutes total)

Week 2:  (5 sets) Five-minute easy run, one minute walk, continuous repeat.  (30 Minutes total)

Week 3:  (5 sets) Seven-minute easy run, one minute walk, continuous repeat. (40 Minutes total)

  • 60% Heart Rate:  Easy runs should be performed at a pace that allows the runner to hold a conversation during the activity.  If running alone, put some earbuds in and sing along while running.
  • Focus should be on:  “Time Spent Running!”  Not on Speed…
  • Too Much, Too Fast, Too Soon:  Avoid this at all costs.  When in doubt, run slower for a shorter distance and repeat when your body is ready.
  • Why do we start our own personal training prior to team workouts?:  Take ownership of your own training and on your own schedule; begin team practice with confidence knowing you have initiated training on your own terms.