
IC Message: 12.15.23

Good evening, Mighty Oak families! I hope you had a wonderful time at Winter Arts Night for those of you that were able to attend. We appreciate the support of our parents and the hard work of our students and teachers who put this together, Ms. Cortez, Ms. Turner, Mr. Heckey, and Ms. Wassum.

Our boys cross country team was recognized last night at the board meeting for being 2023 National champions. Congratulations again to our team and to Coach Moreno!

Congratulations to our speech and debate team who competed last week and Keira Wallace took 1st place for Humorous Interpretation. The team came in 3rd for percentage and overall number of wins. I’d also like to recognize our Mathletes team for bringing home a win at their last competition as well.

Holiday Grams: Want to brighten a friend’s day? Send them a Holiday Gram to be delivered to them during 4th period right before Winter Break! You can purchase them starting next week for $1 at lunch in Room 111.

Ugly Sweater Dress Up Day: On the last day before Winter Break, Friday, December 22nd, wear your ugliest Ugly Sweater!!  Join in the fun and show your Mighty Oak spirit.

Air Rock is Coming…: Mark your calendars!! On Wednesday, December 20th, we will host our annual Air Rock Informational Meeting during lunch in room 111. If you are at all interested in participating in Air Rock, be sure to attend this mandatory meeting. Let’s make this show the best one yet!! 

SCUSD High School Specialty Program Notification: The HS Specialty Program lottery is scheduled to run on January 8th, 2024. Families will be notified directly through SchoolMint based on what preferences they selected when registering (email, text, both) on January 16, 2024. Families can accept or decline on SchoolMint.

6th Grade Visitation Days: If you know of any 6th grade families that are interested in attending Miwok Middle School next year, please have them sign up online for one of our visitations. Dates are filling up quickly! Here is a link to the flyer. 

Reminders- Student Behavior/Safety: We encourage parents to talk to their children about appropriate behavior both on and off campus when going to/from school. Often times, students go to local businesses like Safeway, McDonalds, etc. and we expect our students to have appropriate behavior, purchase items, and not be disruptive to other customers. In addition, please remind students that they should be abiding by safety rules such as using the crosswalk and being mindful of drivers. For students who ride the bus, we have the same high expectations for behavior and safety while riding the bus that we have at school. If you have concerns about your child meeting these expectations, please pick them up after school upon dismissal.

PTSO Holiday Fundraiser: Miwok Middle School’s Holiday Fundraiser, for 2023, partnered with a new, local business, Joneck’s Wine Bar, for all of your holiday shopping needs! Joneck’s is invested in giving back to our amazing school and community, with 15% of all proceeds, coming back to our school.

This is a perfect MMS holiday fundraiser, so that way you can relax while attending The Fab 40’s outdoor activities with your children, Holiday Festivals, Holiday Parties and much more! Wouldn’t it be a lot easier to be well prepared for the cold outdoors, as well as, having awesome hostess gifts? Order today your wine and wine accessories at by using Coupon Code MMS to contribute back to Miwok Middle School! 

Please complete your online orders by Tuesday, December 19th, to pick up on Thursday, December 21st, 12-5pm, at the East Sacramento Chamber of Commerce (3027 I Street, Sacramento). 

The sale will be live on the site through Dec. 27th by 1pm, with a second pickup on Thursday, December 28th, 12-5pm, at the East Sacramento Chamber of Commerce (3027 I Street, Sacramento). 

Upcoming Dates:

  • 12/22 Ugly Sweater Dress up Day
  • 12/23-1/7 No School- Winter Break

Thank you and I hope you have a great weekend! Only one more week to go before break!


Cristin Tahara